What the IRS Doesn’t Know

What the IRS Doesn’t Know
December 31, 2016 Ric Shields

The IRS knows too much about you and me. In collusion with the banking industry and other government agencies, the IRS knows who you are, where you are, and has a pretty good idea of where you are going. They monitor more than your tax liability. The IRS knows too much about your life and can detail what you believe with a fair amount of accuracy.

While the IRS allows deductions to nonprofit organizations, it should not be confused as a benevolent agency. They follow laws mandated by Congress (to some extent), but have the power to make broad interpretations and enact special rulings.

For the past several years, the IRS has mandated religious nonprofits include a declaration on charitable contribution receipts so donors can receive tax deductions. The receipt must contain a statement declaring the contribution(s) received provide an intangible, religious benefit to the donor.

INTANGIBLE?!?! Since when are the blessings of God intangible? God blesses generosity. He loves a cheerful giver. Tithing brings God’s rebuke to the Devourer. Honoring God with our wealth fills our lives with abundance.

The IRS doesn’t get it. It’s no wonder our nation is $20 trillion in debt. When you call the blessings of God intangible, what else would you expect?

Our End-of-Year Charitable contribution statement reads like this:

“I hereby certify that Open Doors, Inc. (dba DoorWays®) has gratefully received theitemized contribution(s) providing an intangible (albeit eternal) religious benefit to the donor during the 2016 calendar year. Though no goods or services were exchanged in consideration for any listed contribution, I did pray for the donor and believe their generosity increases the Kingdom of God and brings abundant blessings into their life, family, and home.”

I’m not advocating a revolt. I just think you should know the truth about your giving. It blesses people in our nation and around the world. Lives are changed, hope is shared, and joy fills hearts because the Good News of the Kingdom is shared in all we do and wherever we go.

Blessings to you now and in the year to come!

Ric Shields


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