Did you know $5 can buy a miracle?
I don’t know what miracle you need, but I know the miracles that will be needed by nearly 450 people next week.
Members of our team in Mexico City will provide basic optical exams for about 60 people each day. Just $5 will provide the miracle many of them need for a pair of glasses. We will give glasses to school-aged children, teenagers, parents and grandparents who struggle to see. We want to bless them with a pair at no cost.
Can you help us to bless them?
About 150 others will visit the medical staff and are likely to need medicine they can’t afford. We will help them, too.
Your gift will touch the poorest of the poor with medicine, glasses, and the love of Jesus.
Sheila and I will give the first $100 and believe for 20 miracles. Will you join us with a generous gift and believe for multiplied miracles, too?