Significant or Not?
A big announcement to me may seem like a small one to you. We have so many things happening at the same time, I hope at least one will seem significant and encouraging to you.
Sheila and I celebrated our 48th Wedding Anniversary. It doesn’t seem possible we’ve been married that long. The Lord has been with us through many remarkably difficult, incredibly wonderful, and typically ordinary days…a total of 17,532. I am so very blessed to have found and married my best friend.
Simply Sisters® continues to have fantastic ministry opportunities. We are grateful to have scores of volunteers who help make our outreaches possible. They prepare and either deliver or send special Simply Sisters Care Packages (or boxes) for women they know who are experiencing difficulties that happen while living in our fallen world. Heartache from divorce, disease, death, and even poor choices can be lessened by knowing that someone cares for them. They also provide encouragement to women who are serving in various ministry roles in missions, churches, nonprofits, and even the marketplace.
My recent book, Generous Measures: One-Minute Lessons with a Lifetime of Value, continues to be received in places I never imagined. I recently delivered 50 copies to a lady who ministers in various prisons in eastern Oklahoma. When she called yesterday to thank me on behalf of the inmates she delivered the books to, she was so thrilled with their responses that she started preaching to me! She told me six inmates committed their lives to Christ and seven had been filled with the Holy Spirit in a meeting the previous day. She was so excited, I had to wonder if she was one of those seven!
For a free copy for you, a family member, friend, co-worker, or anyone else who may enjoy or benefit from this book, visit doorways.cc/generous and download a PDF version. No registration is required. FREE means FREE.
If you listen to podcasts, I hope you will listen to the one we will release next week. The inaugural episode of the DoorWays® Leadership and Influence Network podcast will be dropped on August 30, 2022, at 7:00am CDT. Our plan is to provide a weekly podcast of 20 minutes or less and be a place where topics and issues relevant to leadership, influence, and the Kingdom of God are discussed to help us to learn and grow together. We enjoy talking with people from many different walks of life about how they lead others through their influence…and how they influence others through their leadership.
Please understand these podcasts are a “work-in-progress” and feel free to encourage us with ideas of how to make them better. I say “encourage” rather than “critique” because we are at capacity with a number of critics already built in.
How can you download our podcast? It will be on most of the platforms where you may already listen to them or go to doorways.buzzsprout.com after it has dropped next week.
Your ongoing support makes it possible for us to share the grace, mercy, and joy found in following Jesus wherever we go. Thank you for sending us in so many ways to so many people in so many places!
Ric Shields