October 2, 2019
Sheila and three other ladies will travel to Mexico City later this week. In cooperation with Operation Serve, Int’l (OSI) they will celebrate “Women’s Day” in four churches. Many of the women they will meet grew up in abusive homes and now most live as wives in abusive homes. They are struggling to overcome poverty and have children who have fallen into addiction. Many are facing health crises for themselves or someone in their family. This is a crucial time for reaching out to these women.
We believe our friends and partners will appreciate some background on the churches and communities where these events are to be hosted. Please pray for this Simply Sisters® team and for all of those among whom they will minister next week. A special thanks to OSI for their efforts in providing the background information and for their help in coordinating these outreaches.
Church: Cristo Viene (Christ is Coming)
Location: Chicoloapan:
This church was founded in 2003 in an area where the roads are unpaved and abject poverty abounds. In addition to poverty, other problems in the community are low education, alcohol and drug addiction, and gang activity. Pastor Oseas and his wife, Sonia, are a young couple who have developed many programs for the community and are excited to have Simply Sisters® come and help them to reach their people.
Church: El Mesias (The Messiah)
Location: Chimalhuacan
Pastor Alberto and his wife, Antonieta, have evangelistic hearts and are training their people that the, “the Church is meant to be lived outside of our four walls.” Many young mothers who have been abandoned are living in the area. Pastor Alberto & Antonieta have been praying for opportunities to minister women and the timing of Simply Sisters® is amazing for the church and its mission.
Church: Leo de Judah (Lion of Judah)
Location: Chimalhuacan
Pastor Jesus and his wife, Marcela, work hard in this difficult area. The church is constructed with rustic materials are many of the neighbors live in cardboard shacks. In the immediate area there are problems with alcohol, drug addiction, and many single mothers. The pastor and his family have a great heart for the community’s children and for those who are hurting. By reaching out to the single mothers with Simply Sisters®, Pastor Jesus hopes to bring more people into the church.
Church: Centro de Restauración Familiar (Family Restoration Center)
Location: Chimalhuacan
Pastor Eduardo and his wife, Celia, refer to their church as “their little piece of heaven.” Family Restoration Center works with the community around them to provide help and counseling for women who have been abandoned by their spouses. This church is greatly appreciative of Simply Sisters® willingness to come and join with them in ministering to the women of their community.