Open Doors (now DoorWays®) was in its infancy in the late-summer of 1990 and hope-filled ideas were much more plenteous than money. In that respect, not much has changed over the years.
In early July 1990 I submitted my resignation to Pastor Richard Exley at Christian Chapel who graciously hosted our farewell service eight weeks later. The only equipment we had was a borrowed, two-drawer filing cabinet. There was no copy machine, computer or printer, fax machine, and no money to buy any equipment we needed.
I was both happy and scared spitless.
Six weeks later, on October 10th, there was enough money to pay $181.43 for an electronic typewriter. The Smith Corona SD-760 boasted a 50,000-word dictionary (though it never did recognize the word “Jesus”) and could store up to 8 pages of documents. We were ready to grow, and it was there to help.
We are still growing.
Ministry opportunities in 30 countries on six continents.
1,260 team members on 140 outreaches.
Hundreds of Bible school students sponsored.
Over 250 fresh-water wells funded.
Churches and children’s homes constructed.
Millions of miles traveled.
Hundreds of sermons, services, and classes in churches and conferences.
Thousands born-again.
Simply Sisters® was founded.
While much has been done, much more remains and our “hope-filled ideas are more plenteous than money.” We need your support more than ever. Please pray about sending a generous gift today. If Jesus says, “No,” then don’t send anything; if He says, “Yes,” please be obedient. If He doesn’t respond, ask again until He does.
The best is yet to come. We look forward to sharing about it soon.
Meanwhile, say “goodbye” with us to the Smith Corona SD-760 and “hello” to…
…Sorry, we can’t tell it yet.