I was not trying to be a prophet.
On the opening night of the conference in Egypt I shared from 1 Kings 18:41. It’s the story of the prophet Elijah telling the wicked King Ahab, “There is the sound of a heavy rain.” Since it hadn’t rained in three years, it was a pretty bold statement for Elijah to make.
When I told our guests that Monday evening, “I hear the sound of a heavy rain,” there was a confidence in my heart that God would meet us at our conference; we would experience times of refreshing and renewal. I believed the Lord wanted to touch their hearts and encourage them.
You can only imagine what it was like on Wednesday morning. I was teaching about Jesus’ leadership style when a cloudburst drenched the retreat center. Not a mist, not a shower, but a downpour!
The session was interrupted as many called out loud, “There has come a heavy rain! I hear the sound of a heavy rain!” I doubt most of the desert-dwellers had ever seen it rain like that.
Sometimes God uses nature to confirm His word to us. A star shone above the city of Bethlehem… Jesus calmed the sea during a furious storm on Galilee… the sun stood still… water gushed from a rock. History is filled with such accounts. What if this was one of those times?
One pastor told me, “This week has been a very, very, very big blessing to me.” Another said, “I know this conference will help my ministry and my church.” I believe the concepts our team shared will be helpful in churches and communities throughout Egypt in the days to come.
This outreach was an enormous undertaking. A sincere “thank you” goes to all who helped turn big possibilities into exceptional ministry opportunities.