What is our return on $280,000?
For 23 years, DoorWays has provided work/study funds for students attending a Bible College in Bangladesh. It’s the only way most of them could ever attend. Our sponsorship has helped over 500 students attend and nearly 185 students graduate.
The return on our investment is phenomenal. Before I share it with you, please read this note from a current student:
I come from a Hindu family. When I started to study in the Bible College my family tried to force me to go back home. They warned me they would deprive me of my all rights. I was losing my family, but I still believed in Jesus.
One day, I felt the LORD speak to my heart that I was not separated or without family; I am in His family (Eph 2:19). I realized I hadn’t lost anything because I have relationship with my Father in Heaven.
I am so happy. I want to study in the Bible College to know Him more deeply.
There are more students like Binay who have left everything behind in order to follow after Jesus – an amazing return on our investment.
And consider this; each graduate has averaged starting two churches. There are 370 more churches in Bangladesh today because we helped make it possible for students to attend Bible College. A Christian witness exists in 370 communities where none was even present a short time ago.
You can help us impact nations like Bangladesh with your sponsorship of $10/week. We may never see a return on this investment in our lifetime, but Jesus promises a dividend of eternal proportions in the life to come.
Click here to help students like Binay.