It’s always a struggle…though not a bad one.
We constantly try to find an effective way to say, “Thank You!” to those who faithfully and generously support us and the ministry of DoorWays.
Perhaps we can say it best with these words:
“Your giving touches the hearts of people, changes the lives of people, and many times alters the eternal destinies of them, their families and friends.”
Hundreds of people…maybe thousands…have been impacted through our ministries this past year.
- SIMPLY SISTERS: In Mexico City (January) our 14-member team ministered to over 330 people with 62 who committed their lives to Jesus. And in Buenos Aires (April) our seven team members ministered to over 300 ladies with many who made commitments to Christ.
- IMPACT TEAMS: We helped to coordinate the ministries of 67 people in Mexico City in July. These individuals touched over 1,500 people and hundreds made commitments to Christ. Another team of nine people traveled to Melbourne, Australia in August. The work of that team left lasting impressions on the lives of those who participated and in the relationships we developed.
- LEADERSHIP TRAINING: Ric taught a course on “The Life of Paul” to 18 students in a Master’s Degree cohort for Logos University in Cairo, Egypt in October. The following week he taught about “The Secrets of Leadership Success” to 150 pastors and church leaders attending a conference in Alexandria, Egypt. Many of those attending showed their appreciation for the practical teaching and committed to putting those principles in place when they returned to their churches.
We would like to thank each of you in person. Please consider attending any one of the three evenings of our “Nearly Yearly DoorWays Open House” on November 30 – December 2. There will be friends, food, door prizes, and a time for us to give thanks to the LORD for His goodness and provision.
If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP today. Call, text, or email and let us know which night you will join us.
We are so blessed by our partners and friends and pray you will experience a wonderful holiday season in the weeks to come.
Ric & Sheila Shields