Making plans, raising hope, and developing ideas are my favorite part of a New Year. But just this morning I sensed the LORD speak to my heart about having “a blank slate.”
The message board on our kitchen counter is often filled with a welcome note. In 2014, it also provided a space for a count-down to Travis & Blair’s wedding on March 15th. Most recently, there was a count-down to Christmas. Today it is blank, and it isn’t a bad thing.
More than ever I want the LORD to be in control of the things I typically organize. Of course, there are some things already in place for the coming year (outreaches in Mexico, Bangladesh and Argentina). But all of the days and weeks in-between and through year’s end are open. Pray that our hearts will remain sensitive and ready to respond to His direction.
For DoorWays, our family and yours, may Proverbs 19:21 be found true in 2015: “Many are the plans of a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”
Ric Shields