The Day We Will Know

The Day We Will Know
July 11, 2024 Ric Shields

June 24, 2024

On my first day teaching at a men’s prison, an inmate made the statement that he had a hard time forgiving himself. Not knowing what to expect, I asked if others in the group felt the same way. I wasn’t asking them to claim their guilt or innocence. Surprisingly, two-thirds of the men in the class raised their hands.

In prison, being honest about your feelings is not a highly valued character trait. It can be seen as a sign of weakness with the potential for profound consequences. Their responses told me this was no insignificant issue.

Regardless of the crimes which sent them to prison, either Christ can forgive the worst sinner or He cannot. The writer of the epistle of 1 John assumed no pre-conditions when he declared, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9 NIV)

Beginning my second week, and every week since then, the men stand to their feet at the end of the class while I make the following proclamation:

       Brothers, on the authority of God’s Word I assure you that those sins you have named before the Lord, both privately and publicly, have been covered by the blood of Christ. You have been made clean.

       Hear and believe the good news of the Gospel: In Christ you are forgiven and are free to love and serve the Lord.

       If you believe in Jesus Christ, His blood, shed on the cross, has made you clean. Your sins are forgiven. God has forgiven you – you must forgive others, and you must forgive yourself.

It should not surprise me but it still does. Each week at the conclusion of the reading, the room erupts into applause and shouts of “Praise God!” “Thank you, Jesus!” or “Amen!” It is apparent they are beginning to understand.

One day, they will leave the razor wire-topped fences and return to the real world. That is the day when we, the Body of Christ, will know if we can forgive them, too.

Grace and peace to you!

Ric Shields


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