I cannot stop the violence against Christians in the Middle East or North and West Africa. They are extorted, kidnapped, and murdered on a scale not seen in recent history. Nevertheless, I can encourage those who live in constant danger.
In the next few days, I will return to Egypt and teach in a Master’s degree program with Logos University. My experience in Grief & Loss counseling and life coach training are critical topics to share with pastors in Egypt today.
This is not a team event, nor will Sheila accompany me. Still, I hope you will pray for the next 14 days about this important time. Pray for good health, safe travel, and effective communication in the teaching sessions.
Celebrating 25 Years
In April 1990, we shared at a church in Topeka, KS about our hopes to begin a missions ministry. Four months later, we resigned our church staff position and started the ministry now called DoorWays. All we had was a borrowed filing cabinet, an electric typewriter, and a keen sense of God’s call.
It is remarkable how God has helped us for the past 25 years; but perhaps even more incredible is what lies ahead!
Please mark your calendar and join us on Saturday, September 19, 2015 for a dinner celebration at the Doubletree Hotel at Warren Place in Tulsa. We’ll tell the story like never before and hope you will be there to hear it.
Your RSVP will help us. Please visit our web site (http://DoorWays.cc/rsvp) and let us know you plan to attend.
Thank you for the faithful, generous gifts that send us to the nations. Because of all you do, we do all we can to share the love, grace, and joy of following Jesus wherever we go.
Ric & Sheila Shields